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"The Legs" - Bodega


"Morning on the Lake" - Superstition Review


"I'm Johnny Knoxville" - X-R-A-Y Lit Mag


"Love Story with Opossum" - Flash Fiction Magazine


"The Keys" - The Blue Mountain Review


"Gefilte Fish" - Portland Review


"Road Trip" - The Masters Review


"Castaway" - Cheap Pop



"To the Woman in the Fred Meyer Self-Checkout Line Who Thought I Was More Puerto Rican Than I Really Am" - CutBank 98 (print only)


"On Rachel Attias" - Porter House Review


"BLM in the Billionaire Wilderness" - n+1


"On Becoming a Root Vegetable" - Columbia Journal


"The IUD Diaries" - [PANK]


"Sperry Chalet" - Parks & Points


"This is That" - The Rumpus



"Immigrants Are Helping Fuel Local Economy"Planet Jackson Hole


"Al Margen de Todo" - Planet Jackson Hole

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